Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and special moments in a woman’s existence, not only because of the new life being created inside her, but because it is a point when her own life will definitely change forever.
However, getting a positive pregnancy test is not as easy as one can imagine. The woman’s body must be well-prepared to support a new life and there might be several unsuccessful attempts until this happens. In that case, it is important to be ready for anything that comes your way and search for good medical professionals who can support and advise during the journey.
Because yes, it is a hard process, with many physiological and psychological changes that will fill you with doubts, expectations and many emotions. But, in spite of that, you will not experience any process as beautiful as this one.
Becoming a mom
inspired testimonials
Nothing is more credible than real success stories of Ovosicare® building new families.
Read moms’ testimonials telling how they lived their attempt to conceive and how Ovosicare® helped
Becoming a mom
inspiring testimonials
Nothing is more credible than real success stories of Ovosicare® building new families.
Read moms’ testimonials telling how they lived their attempt to conceive and how Ovosicare® helped
Current pregnancies in Spain in numbers

Births in Spain
in 2021

First delivery age
in 2021

was born by assisted reproductive
means in 2018
Famale Fertility decline

Female Fertility Decline
Fewer and fewer children are being born in Spain, with the mothers’ mean age increasing steadily. Nowadays, the families’ poor socio-economic stability forces them to delay the moment to become parents. And, when they finally achieve such stability and try to conceive, it is usually at an age when the woman’s fertility has started to decline.
Thus, it is so important to care for those aspects in the woman’s life impacting fertility which can be controlled, such as maintaining an optimal nutrition.
Improve Your Chances of Conceiving
Due to the issues when trying to conceive experienced by thousands of women, there is a growing trend to make use of assisted reproductive techniques. This is a way to get better expert advice and more options in order to achieve the strong desire to become a mother.
One of these expert’s recommendation is the use of Procare Health’s fertility and pregnancy line products. By just taking these clinically proven food supplements you can improve your chances of making your dream come true and having a baby.
Improve your chances of conceiving

Ovosicare® Proven efficacy
Proven efficacy
Ovosicare® line is supported by a unique-on-the-market high clinical evidence:

Ovulation Calculator
In just a few seconds, you will know when you will ovulate and your most fertile period for you to optimize your sexual relations!

Learn about
Procare Health

Learn about Procare Health
Ovosicare® line is part of the extensive Procare Health product line, a Spanish pharmaceutical laboratory entirely devoted to developing bio-optimiand scientifically proven natural solutions for female health and wellbeing.
Its broad portfolio covers every physiological female stage including her reproductive health and well into menopause.
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